Love Is Good for Your Health


If you will release all concern about how others feel about you, and focus only upon how you feel about them, you will unearth your core understanding of who-you-really-are, and you will discover what true freedom really is.


May I share something deeply personal with you?

I’ve been processing a lot of intense emotions the past couple of days. My intention with sharing this part of my story is that it may benefit you on some level. Maybe it will let you know that you are not alone, or that moving through and gaining a different perspective on challenging life experiences is possible. May you find this beneficial in some way.

Last month, I wrote about my father, who died over Thanksgiving weekend.

I had not had any connection with him since I was 15. He was emotionally and physically abusive, and I doubt that many people had any idea of the pain being inflicted on me, my mother, and brothers behind closed doors. It took him almost killing my mother one night for us to find the courage to leave him.

Over the years, I had put a lot of intention around consciously forgiving him, and even came to feel strongly that there was nothing to forgive.

While it was the absolute best decision I could have made to protect myself from any future physical and emotional harm that might have come from having direct contact with him, not forgiving him only hurt me.

Looking back at his upbringing, I had come to understand how he had been broken as a child, and how that had led to his actions with us. I had come to value my childhood experiences as key to who I am today, and to celebrate the different choices and patterns I have been able to make in my life. Where he could not break the cycle of pain, my brothers and I had.

And I thought I had opened my heart to him. When I received news of his death, I felt peace. It felt like the last little bit of my with-holding love relaxed as I envisioned my father on the other side experiencing the pure positive love of All-That-Is.

It was interesting on Friday to have an exchange with someone present in his life with a very different experience of my father. While I felt I listened to and even celebrated their positive memories, I felt saddened about missing out on the father I could have had. While I gave the briefest description of the man we knew, I didn’t dwell on it. I thought we ended the conversation on good terms and I felt positive about having reached out.

On Saturday, I awoke to an email that I am sure the writer did not intend to impact me the way it did. What was written was that my experience challenged their memories and they did not want to have any dealings with them. I felt they dismissed my experiences by saying it had happened in the “short” time I knew him, and it felt like they challenged my integrity and those I am closest to. It brought up old feelings of abandonment, and beliefs about my father not ever loving me.

While I had come to understand that no man is all of one thing—there is “good” and “bad” in everyone—what came up for me was the need to “justify” my father’s horrid behavior. That old victim energy bubbled up. We were the wronged ones, damn it. How dare they say our pain was not real or justified? I felt the need to defend my victim status.

But did I really want to dig my heels in around these challenging experiences? Did I really want to grab hold of them and grip them tight as my “story?” Was this not an opportunity to clean up old energy that had been hiding out under the rug?

I let myself feel these intense emotions with the intention of shifting my perspective.

There was a lot of relief in allowing myself to grieve and rail and condemn. But I was also revisiting some very dark spaces. Part of me was afraid I might get stuck there in that painful place.

But I am no longer the same person I was. I have too much experience moving through my shadow spaces. Not shining the light on them and recognizing that there is dirt there that needs to be cleaned is what prolongs pain.

So I reached out for support to my husband, friends, and family. I leaned into the emotions that were coming up, and recognized that the pain I was feeling was guidance from my Higher Self letting me know I was not thinking about this situation correctly.

Source only sees with the eyes of love. The pain I was feeling was because I was shutting that love off pretty darn effectively.

I began to remind myself of what this situation and my father had looked like through the lens of love I had donned earlier. I tried to look through the lens of love that this other person had for him.

About 3 a.m. this morning, the dog woke me up, and these thoughts flooded back into my consciousness. I began to envision a magnificent room in my heart and someone coming in and pulling the curtains back so that sunlight streamed in. Part of me wanted to hide under the covers and wail and bemoan the nightmare I had experienced. But this loving and kind helper told me it was just that, a nightmare. It would stop as soon as I opened my eyes and got up.

And so I did. In my mind, I walked through these magnificent rooms that were dusty from disuse. I could see some piles of dirt in places. So I pulled out a rag that was soaked in a cleaning solution that was pure positive love. And I began to clean and polish.

As I worked, positive memories of my father returned. I had been putting so much attention on the negative haunts that I had forgotten that there had been any good or fun times. I began to remember again that no man is all dark or all light. We each have some of each within us. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves and adores the man that was my father.

I could feel my energy shift.

There may be more for me to clean up, but I no longer feel the need to defend the awful memories I have. I have loosened my grip on them. They are no longer part of my current reality. The only one bringing them forward as relevant is me. I can allow the memories of those who loved him to remain intact, and not feel that I am somehow belittled by doing so.

If God loves my father, than that’s what I want to do, too.

When I got up this morning, I felt lighter and restabilized. I felt reconnected to the love of All-That-Is. I remembered my own well-being, which will add to my ultimate wellness.

I did not find the love in my heart for my father. I choose love because it was me that was suffering. It was me who had the key to the prison I created. Aligning with the love of All-That-Is sets me free.

It will set you free, too.

Together we can do it!

banner4This is it! This is my last blog post here! Please follow my new blog at to keep reading. Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of you fabulous readers. Much love and blessings to you!

Create the Body You Want From the Inside Out

Spiritual ConnectionI had a client yesterday who said she believed she was a terrible and horrible person.

Youch. That is such a painful place to be.

So I playfully asked if she had stolen any babies lately? Committed any murders? Robbed any banks?

Of course not.

Her worst “crimes” were that in the she’d hurt people’s feelings, had yelled at people, was bitchy sometimes, and wasn’t always productive.

This is normal! No one is the person they want to be 100 percent of the time. I certainly haven’t been, and am sure I will fall short in the future.

This doesn’t make you—or me—a “bad” person.

One of my client’s biggest limiting beliefs is believing that they are less than—less valuable, less important, less smart, less beautiful, less worthy, etc., etc.—than everyone else.

The Truth is, you have intrinsic value—no matter what you do or don’t do.

To begin to see this, start with how you speak to yourself.

  • What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?
  • What are your thoughts about yourself?
  • How much praise is there compared to criticism?

Would you speak to someone else the way you speak to yourself? How would they feel if you did? What if you said those things to a child? Would it nourish them, or make them cry?

Often, what you say to yourself would get you arrested if you said it to a child.

If it’s not OK to say to someone else, why is it OK to say to yourself?

You are as unique as a snow flake. There is not anyone else in the world that has had the exact same experiences as you, or who sees the world in exactly the same way. Your unique perspective adds value to this world. You are important to All-That-Is.

You are uniquely gifted. Your gifts add to this world the way an instrument adds to a symphony. Your instrument sounds beautiful all on its own, and adds to the whole when it is joined with others. Your instrument only sounds flat and out of tune when you are being less than Who you truly are.

You are resourceful and are much greater and wiser than you appear to be. Your solution to any problem—including how to release the weight once and for all—is always there if you will but take your eyes off the problem long enough to look for it.

And you are loved more than you can possibly imagine. Not only by your families, but by people whose lives you have touched as no one else has, and most importantly, by the Source of All-That-Is.

Allow yourself to feel that love.

There are no reprimands or limitations in your mind other than the ones you shackle yourself with. No angry hordes will come after you with pitchforks for acknowledging that you are unique, powerful, gifted, resourceful, and loved.

In fact, that spark of good feeling, that sense of upliftment, that outright feeling of joy is letting you know that you are speaking the Truth about yourself—maybe for the first time.

And that good feeling is supporting your body down to the cellular level helping you get the body you want.

Your wellness comes from the inside out. You have to give it to you. You do that by loving yourself first–regardless of what any other person says, thinks, or does.

And when you allow yourself to see and know your value, you will be empowered to consciously create the body—and thus life—you want.

Together we can do it!

  • Are you ready to break the rebound weight-gain cycle once and for all?

  • Is it time to let go of fad diets, restriction, and deprivation so you can create a healthy lifestyle you love?

  • Are you prepared to finally get the body you want?


The Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program

This unique program transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying—but fun! (Yes, it really is possible!)

I created this program so no other woman would have to struggle to find the solutions. To help you live as the fullest expression of your authentic Divine self, feeling fabulous, slim, and sexy, radiating health and vitality, and fully engaging in creating a life that is meaningful to yourself—and others.

The Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program is THE premier caching program for heart and soul centered women who are ready to create lasting changes to live as the healthy, slim, and sexy woman you want to be!

  • You want to feel body confident—in your clothes and out!
  • You love eating delicious foods—and want to feel soul satisfied.
  • You want to feel energetic and vibrant—fully capable of engaging in every part of your life.


You are invited to become a member of the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program with Hanna Goss! For 12 months, you receive top notch support that will transform your body and help you create a lasting lifestyle you love.

This cutting edge program is only open to 5 select soul-centered women who are ready and willing to do what it takes to release the weight once and for all.

Our KICK OFF seminar is January 7, 2013.

I would love nothing more than to see your New Year’s resolution to lose weight—and keep it off—finally become a reality.


Feel Fabulous On the Way to Getting the Body You Want

HappyOften when we set the New Year’s resolution to lose weight, the underlying thought behind the goal is, “I will be happy when I am slim.”

But it’s backwards. You have to start feeling happy now.

As much as possible, feel the emotion that you think being slim will give you. Feeling that emotion right now will actually help turbocharge your efforts to get the body you want.

And it will make the process of releasing the weight fun. (Yes, it really is possible to enjoy getting the body you want!)

It was a huge change for me when I shifted my thinking from, “I will be happy when I lose weight,” to “I will be happy now and enjoy the process of releasing my weight.”

Huge not in that making this shift was difficult, but huge in the impact it had on my life.

One way to make this shift is to think about how being at your ideal weight would make you feel.

Will losing weight make you feel confident? Empowered? Sexy?

This emotion is key. It is this emotion that you are truly after. You just think that losing weight is the route to getting that emotion.

One reason tapping into that emotion is so powerful is because you harness all of your energy in the present instead of siphoning it off to some future time or event.

Shifting your energy from the future to now is like going from driving with bald tires in the snow to having snow tires, chains, and all-wheel drive. It gives you traction, power, and momentum to reach your goals. 

How awesome is it that you can feel the way being slim would make you feel right away (you don’t have to wait!), AND feeling that way will help you get the body you want?

So how do you do that?

Think about times when you do feel confident, empowered, or sexy. If you can’t bring anything to mind, just imagine what having the body you want would feel like. And if you catch yourself feeling confident, empowered, or sexy, make that feeling last as long as possible by reaching for thoughts that build on that emotion.

Now practice this feeling as much as possible every day. Even feeling it for as little as 1 minute will start to move you in the direction you want to go.

Not only do you get the bonus of feeling good right now, but the process of releasing the weight becomes fun and satisfying. Best of all, you keep the weight off for good.

This time next year you can feel physically fabulous and fully love your body.

Decide right now to reach for how being slim will make you feel. And practice that every day.

Together we can do it!

Wellness Tip of the Day


Wellness Tip of the Day

Will losing weight make you feel confident? Empowered? Sexy? Feel that way right now and boost your weight loss efforts.


My blog is moving! To keep following my posts after January 15, follow my new blog, at I look forward to continuing the journey with you!

Test if Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight is Heading for Success or Failure



Have you made a list of things you want to achieve in 2013? Chances are you made a resolution or two.

One of them was probably to lose weight.

Today, you may be fired up to get to the gym or to start that new diet. If so, Woo Hoo! Deciding to change is a huge step. Let’s harness that positive energy you are feeling right now and keep it going!

And if you are dreading being hungry and feeling deprived, and hate the idea of working out, that’s OK. You are where you are. Let’s begin to shift your energy to make your goal more appealing, and thus achievable.

No matter where you are, look at your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and see if they are supporting your new actions, or if they are setting you up to fail.

For instance, how sustainable will your commitment to workout be if you are thinking thoughts like:

  • “I hate exercise.”
  • “I hate to sweat.
  • “I have to work out perfectly everyday or there’s no sense in doing it.”
  • “Exercise is no fun.”
  • “I am hating every moment of this.

Those kinds of thoughts will ensure you give up on your resolution.

You can tell by how they make you feel. How much do they fuel your belief that you can meet your goal? What outcome are they pointing towards?

Chances are if you’re thinking thoughts like these, you can’t jump right away to the idea that, “exercise is fun and you love it.” How honest does that feel? So begin by easing up on your thoughts just a little bit.

For instance:

  • “This may be hard, but I really want to meet my goal.”
  • “I know when I get this done I’m going to feel better.”
  • “I can do anything for 10 minutes.”
  • “I don’t have to be perfect, but I do need to be consistent.”
  • “I used to love running and playing as a kid. If I don’t love this exercise, I’ll find something else I enjoy.”
  • “Each small step I’m taking is moving me closer to my goal.”
  • “I’m building endurance and muscle. Tomorrow or next week this will be easier.”
  • “I want to do this because I want to be healthy, fit, and slim.”
  • “I want the freedom that health brings. I want to love my body—and life.”

Easing up a little on your thoughts feels better and fuels your positive beliefs that you can achieve your goals.

Aligning your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to support your actions is like turbocharging your ability to meet your weight loss goal. 

Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about your diet and exercise program. Are they moving you where you want to go? If they aren’t, change them to support your goals—and help ensure your resolution becomes reality!

Together we can do it!

Today is the day! Register now for my FREE tele-class to help you revolutionize your weight-loss resolution (so it finally works)! 

Transform Your New Year’s Resolution

to Lose Weight!

Make 2013 the Year

You Finally Get the Body You Want 

January 2, 2013, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

In this content-rich seminar you’ll discover:

  •  The Top 5 Ways You are Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Efforts to Lose Weight
  •  Why Your Weight is Still a Struggle for You and How to Break the Rebound Weight-gain Cycle Once and For All
  •  The Surprising Power You Have to Successfully Lose Weight and Improve the Life of You and Your Family
  •  3 Easy Tips to Transform Your New Year’s Resolution and Turn it into a Reality
  •  An Exciting NEW Opportunity to “Love Your Way Slim”
  •  And much more . . .

Sign up for the call now!

Let me help you make 2013 the year you mark “losing weight” off your list of New Year’s Resolutions forever!

PS I’ll be sending out a recording of the call, so even if you can’t listen live, sign up now! 

You Only Need One Thing to Make 2013 Your Year!

Love YourselfHappy New Year!

You may be spending this day reflecting on 2012, and setting intentions and making resolutions for 2013.

Would you consider adding something to your list?

How about putting “Love Yourself” at the very top?

This is the primary intention I’m setting for myself in 2013.

I thought I had “loving myself” down. But as I’ve challenged myself to step up in a big way to better serve you, some of those old, negative voices have resurfaced. My business is expanding rapidly, and I’m learning how to up-level my energy to meet the new flow of clients and income.

And this has been a huge gift.

Because it is a vivid reminder of the pain I used to feel on a daily basis as I struggled with my weight. Feeling this old self-doubt and self-criticism has absolutely reinforced my focus and commitment to not only step up my own self-love—but to help you Love Your Way Slim.

No woman deserves to feel this self-inflicted pain.

Fortunately I have the tools, resources, and support to transform my inner critic so that it becomes a powerfully supportive—and loving—ally.

There are a lot of misconceptions about self-love. Self-love is not about conceit or thinking you are “higher and mightier” than anyone else.

In fact, when you are coming from a true place of self-love, it spills over onto everyone—and everything—else.

And a huge bonus! Loving yourself generates positive physical processes that are not only good for your health, but make it easier to release weight.

Loving yourself actually inspires loving action—towards yourself and others.

When you recognize and acknowledge your own intrinsic value, you automatically see it in others. When you feel an abundance of love there is no need to limit the love you give in any way.

So my wish for you in 2013 is that you make loving yourself your number one priority. 

With much love, appreciation, and wishes for 2013 to be your year,


Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

Don’t forget to register today for my FREE tele-class to help you revolutionize your weight-loss resolution (so it finally works)!

Transform Your New Year’s Resolution

to Lose Weight!

Make 2013 the Year

You Finally Get the Body You Want 

January 2, 2013, 8 p.m. USA Eastern 

In this content-rich seminar you’ll discover:

  • The Top 5 Ways You are Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Efforts to Lose Weight
  • Why Your Weight is Still a Struggle for You and How to Break the Rebound Weight-gain Cycle Once and For All
  • The Surprising Power You Have to Successfully Lose Weight and Improve the Life of You and Your Family
  • 3 Easy Tips to Transform Your New Year’s Resolution and Turn it into a Reality
  • An Exciting NEW Opportunity to “Love Your Way Slim”
  • And much more . . .

Sign up for the call here!

Let me help you make 2013 the year you mark “losing weight” off your list of New Year’s Resolutions forever!

Together we can do it!

Feel Skinny in 2013!

Smiling WomanI have a friend who jokes that when she catches sight of her rear-end in the bathroom mirror that she reminds herself that she has great hair.

While this got a laugh during a group lunch, she’s actually onto something.

When you consider the foundation principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy,” also known as the Law of Attraction, it becomes clear that focusing on the problem just creates more of the problem.

A subtle mental shift towards something you appreciate is a powerful way to shift the negative catabolic energy generated by looking in the mirror and feeling miserable about what you see.

You will know that you’ve successfully made the shift to a more positive anabolic place when you experience a feeling of genuine appreciation for another part of your body.

A woman I worked with used this technique during her journey to lose 40 pounds. Whenever she caught sight of her stomach, which she judged fat and unattractive, she would quickly shift her focus to appreciating her lean and muscular legs.

I used a similar technique on my own weight-loss journey. Whenever I was conscious of my body, I would turn the song “I Feel Pretty” from the Broadway play, West Side Story, into “I Feel Skinny,” and would play it loudly in my head, letting myself truly feel it.

When you look in the mirror, do you love or hate what you see? What can you do to focus more on what you appreciate?

Imagine the impact that positive anabolic energy is having on your body and overall wellness.

Together we can do it!

I’m offering a FREE tele-class to help you revolutionize your weight-loss resolution (so it finally works)!

Transform Your New Year’s Resolution

to Lose Weight!

Make 2013 the Year

You Finally Get the Body You Want  

January 2, 2013, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

In this content-rich seminar you’ll discover:

  • The Top 5 Ways You are Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Efforts to Lose Weight
  • Why Your Weight is Still a Struggle for You and How to Break the Rebound Weight-gain Cycle Once and For All
  • The Surprising Power You Have to Successfully Lose Weight and Improve the Life of You and Your Family
  • 3 Easy Tips to Transform Your New Year’s Resolution and Turn it into a Reality
  • An Exciting NEW Opportunity to “Love Your Way Slim”
  • Plus Much More…

Register today at to receive access to this free call.

3 Easy Tips to Create a Slimmer You in 2013

ScaleOver this holiday week, you may have found yourself eating, and eating, and eating!

And you may be beating yourself up about it.

But telling yourself how horrible you are truly is NOT helpful—and it could very well end up making you feel so bad about yourself that you unknowingly sabotage your future efforts to lose weight. 

It will probably go something like this:

You feel fat. You may even feel desperate to lose weight. Every time you feel how tight your clothes are, all you can think about is how much you hate your body.

You know you need to diet and exercise so that you can drop some weight, but it’s the end of the year, right? Why start now?

You make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. You decide that on January 2nd you are going to start dieting and exercising.

Between now and then you keep eating, and eating, and eating. You are trying to cram in every food you love to prepare for months of hunger and deprivation.

You feel bloated, headachy, and slightly sick.

And you hate yourself even more. You feel ashamed that you’ve let your weight get out of hand—again.

On January 2, you force yourself to work out and you start a diet that drastically cuts the amount of food you’ve been eating.

Each day gets harder and harder.

Maybe your diet lasts for a day or two, or for a week or two, or maybe you are even successful at meeting your goal.

And then you feel your control slip.

You just can’t maintain the rigid diet and exercise “rules” you’ve set in place. You’re tired of being hungry. Your tired of feeling deprived. Your tired of feeling like you aren’t fully living your life.

Before you know it, you’ve regained the weight you’ve lost—and then some.

This time next year, you find yourself putting “losing weight” at the top of your list of New Year’s resolutions—again.

It’s time to say, “ENOUGH!”

There is another way! And you don’t have to follow rigid rules, feel hungry and deprived to get the body you want. (Honestly!)

The first tip  is to ease up on the self-criticism.

This makes sense when you think about the the foundation principle that Energy Attracts Like Energy (also known at the Law of Attraction).

If you spend all your time thinking about the fact that you don’t have the body you want, you are actually creating more life experiences where you are unhappy with your body.

Begin using this Universal Law to work for you instead of against you! 

Start today by focusing on what you can appreciate about your body. By focusing on what is working and what you do like, you will create more opportunities to appreciate and love your body.

The second tip  is to ease up (just slightly!) on the food intake.

This is not the last time you will be able to eat your favorite foods. (I promise!) When you take off the pressure of “never being able to eat this again!” there is not the frenzy to shove everything in now before the “diet deadline.”

Eat what actually feels good. What you really want in this moment. What you can really savor.

There is more than enough. There is plenty. You can still eat your favorite foods AND lose weight. 

Taking the self-imposed pressure off means you will eat less, enjoy more, and start the year maybe not quite as heavy and physically hung-over as you would be otherwise.

You will feel better and have some momentum going on January 2, so beginning to implement some healthier eating doesn’t come as such a shock to your system.

The third tip is to take baby steps.

If going to the extreme of implementing rigid rules and drastically reduced calories is going to make you feel deprived and resentful—and ultimately send your efforts to create the body you want on the skids—then why go that route?

What if instead you committed to eating a little bit healthier today? Or getting in a 10 minute walktoday? And you celebrated what you did, instead of what you didn’t do? Would making that same commitment be a little easier tomorrow? What would your wellness journey look like next week? Next month? In six months?

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC)

What step are you willing to take on your wellness journey today?

When you just keep taking those small steps, it’s not too much time before you have achieved your New Year’s Resolution and have created the body—and lifestyle—you want!

Together we can do it!

I’m offering a FREE tele-class to help you revolutionize your weight-loss resolution (so it finally works)!

Transform Your New Year’s Resolution

to Lose Weight!

Make 2013 the Year

You Finally Get the Body You Want  


January 2, 2013, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

In this content-rich seminar you’ll discover:

  • The Top 5 Ways You are Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Efforts to Lose Weight
  • Why Your Weight is Still a Struggle for You and How to Break the Rebound Weight-gain Cycle Once and For All
  • The Surprising Power You Have to Successfully Lose Weight and Improve the Life of You and Your Family
  • 3 Easy Tips to Transform Your New Year’s Resolution and Turn it into a Reality
  • An Exciting NEW Opportunity to “Love Your Way Slim”
  • Plus Much More…

Simply register by filling out the form at and you’ll receive access to this free call.


Wellness Tip of the Weekend


Wellness Tip of the Weekend

Share the love flowing through you and uplift the hearts of others. Not only does it make them feel good, but it boosts your health!


My blog is moving! To keep following my posts after January 15, you will need to follow my new blog, at I look forward to continuing the journey with you!

Reclaim Your Feminine Power to Get the Body You Want

dance walkWhen you exercise, do you love and adore your body? Are you having so much fun you wish you were doing your workout at other times during the day? Does moving your body help you tap you’re your sensuality and feminine power?

In this provocative TEDx talk, Sheila Kelley shares how tapping into your feminine power can help you in every part of your life—include getting the body you want.

The challenge is that all women have learned to be ashamed of your bodies.

Kelley shares that every woman has a “First Offense” that brought negative attention, judgment or shame to your body.

I vividly remember my “First Offense.”

When I was 5 years old, my father told me I needed to learn how to suck in my stomach.

Me blowing out the candles on my 5th birthday

Me blowing out the candles on my 5th birthday

Now at age 5, I wasn’t fat. But how I interpreted his comment was that he was telling me I was fat. He was telling me there was something wrong with my body.

I was a tomboy who always had scabs on my knees from falls and crashes on my bike. Shortly after that conversation with my father I remember for the first time being embarrassed at how my banged up knees looked and trying to pull my knee socks up as high as they would go to cover them up.

For the first time, I suffered from body shame.

From that moment on, I focused almost exclusively on my flaws, and what was wrong with me. And for most of my life, I struggled with my weight.

That was just the first offence. With every criticism or judgment we receive as we grow and mature, we close ourselves off from our feminine power.

This is why so many women “hide” behind unhealthy eating habits.

Kelley says 80 percent of women in America feel something is missing and they have no idea what it is.

That “it” is reclaiming your feminine essence and reclaiming your body.

Near the end of the talk, Kelley invites every woman to, “Step into the grandeur, the beauty, the gorgeousness, the sway, the curve, the power, the fire of your body, of your spirit, of your emotions.”

Reconnecting with your feminine power is an important step in getting the body you want.

Together we can do it!