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Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of you fabulous readers. I look forward to continuing the journey with you. Much love and appreciation!





Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP



Love Is Good for Your Health


If you will release all concern about how others feel about you, and focus only upon how you feel about them, you will unearth your core understanding of who-you-really-are, and you will discover what true freedom really is.


May I share something deeply personal with you?

I’ve been processing a lot of intense emotions the past couple of days. My intention with sharing this part of my story is that it may benefit you on some level. Maybe it will let you know that you are not alone, or that moving through and gaining a different perspective on challenging life experiences is possible. May you find this beneficial in some way.

Last month, I wrote about my father, who died over Thanksgiving weekend.

I had not had any connection with him since I was 15. He was emotionally and physically abusive, and I doubt that many people had any idea of the pain being inflicted on me, my mother, and brothers behind closed doors. It took him almost killing my mother one night for us to find the courage to leave him.

Over the years, I had put a lot of intention around consciously forgiving him, and even came to feel strongly that there was nothing to forgive.

While it was the absolute best decision I could have made to protect myself from any future physical and emotional harm that might have come from having direct contact with him, not forgiving him only hurt me.

Looking back at his upbringing, I had come to understand how he had been broken as a child, and how that had led to his actions with us. I had come to value my childhood experiences as key to who I am today, and to celebrate the different choices and patterns I have been able to make in my life. Where he could not break the cycle of pain, my brothers and I had.

And I thought I had opened my heart to him. When I received news of his death, I felt peace. It felt like the last little bit of my with-holding love relaxed as I envisioned my father on the other side experiencing the pure positive love of All-That-Is.

It was interesting on Friday to have an exchange with someone present in his life with a very different experience of my father. While I felt I listened to and even celebrated their positive memories, I felt saddened about missing out on the father I could have had. While I gave the briefest description of the man we knew, I didn’t dwell on it. I thought we ended the conversation on good terms and I felt positive about having reached out.

On Saturday, I awoke to an email that I am sure the writer did not intend to impact me the way it did. What was written was that my experience challenged their memories and they did not want to have any dealings with them. I felt they dismissed my experiences by saying it had happened in the “short” time I knew him, and it felt like they challenged my integrity and those I am closest to. It brought up old feelings of abandonment, and beliefs about my father not ever loving me.

While I had come to understand that no man is all of one thing—there is “good” and “bad” in everyone—what came up for me was the need to “justify” my father’s horrid behavior. That old victim energy bubbled up. We were the wronged ones, damn it. How dare they say our pain was not real or justified? I felt the need to defend my victim status.

But did I really want to dig my heels in around these challenging experiences? Did I really want to grab hold of them and grip them tight as my “story?” Was this not an opportunity to clean up old energy that had been hiding out under the rug?

I let myself feel these intense emotions with the intention of shifting my perspective.

There was a lot of relief in allowing myself to grieve and rail and condemn. But I was also revisiting some very dark spaces. Part of me was afraid I might get stuck there in that painful place.

But I am no longer the same person I was. I have too much experience moving through my shadow spaces. Not shining the light on them and recognizing that there is dirt there that needs to be cleaned is what prolongs pain.

So I reached out for support to my husband, friends, and family. I leaned into the emotions that were coming up, and recognized that the pain I was feeling was guidance from my Higher Self letting me know I was not thinking about this situation correctly.

Source only sees with the eyes of love. The pain I was feeling was because I was shutting that love off pretty darn effectively.

I began to remind myself of what this situation and my father had looked like through the lens of love I had donned earlier. I tried to look through the lens of love that this other person had for him.

About 3 a.m. this morning, the dog woke me up, and these thoughts flooded back into my consciousness. I began to envision a magnificent room in my heart and someone coming in and pulling the curtains back so that sunlight streamed in. Part of me wanted to hide under the covers and wail and bemoan the nightmare I had experienced. But this loving and kind helper told me it was just that, a nightmare. It would stop as soon as I opened my eyes and got up.

And so I did. In my mind, I walked through these magnificent rooms that were dusty from disuse. I could see some piles of dirt in places. So I pulled out a rag that was soaked in a cleaning solution that was pure positive love. And I began to clean and polish.

As I worked, positive memories of my father returned. I had been putting so much attention on the negative haunts that I had forgotten that there had been any good or fun times. I began to remember again that no man is all dark or all light. We each have some of each within us. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves and adores the man that was my father.

I could feel my energy shift.

There may be more for me to clean up, but I no longer feel the need to defend the awful memories I have. I have loosened my grip on them. They are no longer part of my current reality. The only one bringing them forward as relevant is me. I can allow the memories of those who loved him to remain intact, and not feel that I am somehow belittled by doing so.

If God loves my father, than that’s what I want to do, too.

When I got up this morning, I felt lighter and restabilized. I felt reconnected to the love of All-That-Is. I remembered my own well-being, which will add to my ultimate wellness.

I did not find the love in my heart for my father. I choose love because it was me that was suffering. It was me who had the key to the prison I created. Aligning with the love of All-That-Is sets me free.

It will set you free, too.

Together we can do it!

banner4This is it! This is my last blog post here! Please follow my new blog at to keep reading. Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of you fabulous readers. Much love and blessings to you!

Wellness Tip of the Day


Wellness Tip of the Day

Shutting your heart down—even for the best of reasons—does not actually punish the other person. And it is causing you physical harm.


Today is my last blog here! Please follow my new blog at to keep reading. Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of your fabulous readers. Blessings to you!

You Are Worthy of Optimal Wellness

Control Change

I’ve had encounters with two big stories from my past this weekend.

While I am thrilled at how my response has changed to these old experiences, my emotions have still been up and down. Frankly I’m feeling a little vulnerable.

Do you see that as a weakness?

I don’t. Surrendering to how things are unfolding, allowing myself to be vulnerable, fully feeling and acknowledging where I am, being extra committed to my self-care, and trusting that everything is always working out for me feels like the best way I can move through this experience AND stay connected to the foundation of love that only comes from my Higher Self.

Feeling—and exposing—this vulnerability reminded me of a TEDxHouston presentation by Brene’ Brown, who studies the human connection—our ability to empathize, belong, and love.

In this poignant, funny talk, Brown shares a deep insight from her research that expanded her personal perception and changed the way she lives, loves, works, and parents.

According to Brown’s research, connection is why we’re here. Connection is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be fully and truly seen. We have to allow ourselves to be vulnerable.

She says this is the most important thing she has learned in a decade of doing research. Vulnerability is opening ourselves up to shame, fear, and the struggle for worthiness, but it is also the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging, and love.

And it is shame that is at the root of being unwilling to be vulnerable. Research defines shame as “the fear of disconnection.” It is that feeling that there is something about you and if other people see it, they won’t love and accept you.

The feeling of vulnerability is so painful, that people do everything they can to “numb” themselves.

Brown believes this is one reason we are the “most in debt, most obese, most addicted, and most medicated adult cohort in U.S. history.”

The problem is you cannot selectively numb emotion. If you numb fear, embarrassment, and shame then you also numb joy, gratitude, and happiness. That sets up a cycle where you just keep reaching for another doughnut.

When Brown interviewed what she termed “Whole-Hearted” people who were willing to be vulnerable, the common denominator was a sense of worthiness. Those people had a strong sense of being worthy of love and belonging.

What it all boils down to is believing you are worthy.

Other elements that “Whole-Hearted” people had in common were a sense of courage, meaning they tell the story of Who they are with their whole heart. They have the courage to be imperfect. They are willing to let go of who they should be and be Who they truly are. They fully embrace vulnerability, believing that’s what makes them beautiful.

And they have the compassion to be kind to themselves first. Brown notes that you cannot act with compassion towards others if don’t have compassion for yourself.

The great news is that I am proof that a belief in worthiness can be learned. You don’t have to be born with it. You don’t have to have a tribe of close relatives and flawless family relationships. You can grow up excruciatingly insecure, suffer through years of depression and anxiety, and be perpetually aware of your flaws and imperfections—and still come to realize that you are worthy of love and belonging.

For me, that sense of worthiness comes from my connection with All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you.) Somehow I “got” that no matter what I do, say, or how I show up in this life, or who else loves or doesn’t love me, I am loved beyond my ability to comprehend love.

And so are you!

So my message today is simple. You are loved. You are adored. You belong. No matter what, you are worthy.

What can you do today to show up as more of Who you really are? How does being honest about who you are—the good, the bad, and the ugly—help you connect with others? How does feeling worthy change how you want to care for your body—and yourself?

Together we can do it!

Tomorrow is my last blog here! To keep receiving my posts, follow my new blog, at Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of your fabulous readers. Blessings to you!

Wellness Tip of the Day


Wellness Tip of the Day

That amazing feeling of being in love with life continues way longer than your workout. It boosts energy and positive feeling all day.


Tomorrow is my last blog here! To keep receiving my posts, follow my new blog, at Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of your fabulous readers. Blessings to you!

Take Charge of Your Wellness

rain and flowerI received an email this morning that is dredging up painful memories of the past. My emotional response has ranged from despair to rage to spite to grief.

And I am grateful for those emotions.

Just because emotions are unpleasant doesn’t make them “bad.” In fact, experiencing the full range of emotions is part of being fully alive.

So I allowed myself to feel them. I punched a pillow and railed. I wept in my husband’s arms.

You cannot fully feel joy if you do not allow yourself to fully feel grief. How can you know love if you have never felt hate?

Many women strive to keep themselves emotionally numb out of fear of feeling “negative” emotions, and in do so you unknowingly keep yourself stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle.

You may have been taught that your emotions are a liability and not an asset. You might be tempted to think you’re being over-emotional.

You may eat your emotions or stuff them back down. This just creates internal blocks that literally weigh you down.

So I railed, wept, and released.

And I feel cleansed. I feel clarity. And I am more determined than ever.

I can stay stuck in the past, OR I can move forward in alignment with my core values and spiritual beliefs. I can choose a different response.

My focus is my decision.

I could totally use this experience as an excuse to stay in victim energy. My sharing it would generate sympathy, and I’m sure I could get many of your fabulous readers on my side.

But that does not serve me.

No matter how significant the negative event, it is still your choice to focus on it—or not.

This was brought home to me a number of years ago during a conversation with a friend whose husband died unexpectedly while they were getting ready for work. He literally died in her arms.

Not long after, I asked how she was doing. Her response, “I’m having a few bad moments in otherwise good days.”

That struck me not only in the heart, but in the head. If she wasn’t allowing the sudden and traumatic death of her husband to bring her down, than what excuse did I have for responding badly to anything going on in my life?

This is even more powerful when you decide not to judge the painful experiences as “bad.” Pain is an important and valuable part of life. Experiencing it is a part of being fully human.

So today, I have had a few painful moments as part of my glorious day. I decide to fully embrace ALL of my emotions and experiences as valuable in my life. I decide not to use this as an excuse to wallow in self-pity, but to use this as a reason to continue the charge to fully be the best possible version of me.

I totally and completely love and accept myself and all the emotions that I feel. I embrace the valuable emotional guidance I am receiving.

Being at your optimal weight and experiencing wellness and well-being doesn’t mean that you will never experience challenges. It means that you are empowered in how you respond to those challenges. It means is that you see those situations differently and choose your responses rather than just reacting.

And that makes all the difference in the world.

What can you do to begin to acknowledge your feelings, rather than stuffing them back down?

When you stop fighting experiences and judging them as “bad,” and instead open your eyes and hearts to the gifts that are in every moment, you finally begin to receive those gifts.

As Jerry Hicks used to say, “Everything is always working out for me.” No matter what, no matter who, no matter where, Source (God, the Universe, All That Is, Higher coach—whatever works for you) is always on our side providing the experiences that are unfolding perfectly for my—and your—growth.

No matter what you are facing today, it is up to you to take this moment and consciously choose your focus and decide how you want to feel. You can endure it, let it crush you, or decide to thrive.

The experience will not change, but you change your experience of it.

Today, I decide to thrive.

What is your decision?

Together we can do it!

You Are Worth It!

Today is the last day to join  the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program! 

What would it be worth to you to create a body and lifestyle you love? To successfully get to—and easily maintain—your optimal weight? To enjoy eating all the foods you love, and be healthier and more vibrant than ever before?

What would it feel like to wake up knowing you are at your physical and emotional best? To know your body is fit and capable of taking on every goal you’ve set for yourself? To be tapped into Universal forces so that your fitness and overall wellness feels guaranteed?

What would it mean to have the solid support from a dedicated partner who will stand by you no matter what?

How many years of pain, struggle, and wasted money would it cut off if you learned from someone who has walked the path before you, and is dedicated to your success?

This is exactly what the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program will offer you (and much more!)

This unique program transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, provides exceptional support, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying—but fun! (Yes, it really is possible!)


Today is the last day! The Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program won’t open again until January 2014!

Wellness Tip of the Weekend


Wellness Tip of the Weekend

Be in charge of your happiness. Making choices that are best for you will enable others to make the best choices for them.

banner4My last blog here will be Tuesday! To keep receiving my posts, follow my new blog, at Thank you for all your support here at Goss Coaching. I so appreciate each of your fabulous readers. Blessings to you!

Being Perfectly You is Key to Getting the Body You Want

Self Love


“I have to have a perfect body, or I won’t be beautiful.”

“I have to diet and exercise perfectly, or I’ve blown it.”

“I have to be perfect, or people won’t love me or I won’t’ be a success.”

Feeling like you have to be and do things perfectly or you are a “failure” is a common attribute of the women with whom I work.

Perfection is an expectation that can never be met. The stress of trying to fulfill this unmeetable expectation can be a serious blow to your wellness—and weight loss efforts.

If you think about it, life would actually get pretty boring if you were perfect.

You would never learn anything, get to challenge yourself or grow. It would be as if everything in the world were yellow. And while you may love yellow, you appreciate it so much more if there’s a little blue, pink, or green thrown in for some contrast.

Your body is your body. Its curves and shape are uniquely you. Its size and contours are different from everyone else on the planet. It is that uniqueness that makes you beautiful, not your conformity.

What is optimal for your body will be different from everyone else. While using another’s body to inspire you to meet your goals can be a useful tool, if you are comparing your body and finding fault or reason to criticize yourself, you are actually doing harm to you, your body, and are unknowingly sabotaging your weight-loss goals.

Seeing where you aren’t perfect is an opportunity.

Engaging in the process of figuring out what you do want, what you are doing right, determining what is optimal for you, and valuing how you are unique will help you harness the powers of the Universe to work for you, rather than keep you stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle.

This is how you begin to sculpt and create the body—and life—you want. You reach for the body and life that is uniquely you.

This is where the fun is! This is having a life that is vibrant and fulfilling.

Let go of the need to be perfect. Let go of feeling like you should already be at your goal. Just jump in exactly where you are.

What is optimal for you? Who are you when you are at your optimal weight and are experiencing optimal wellness? How will that help you be more uniquely you?

Move towards that. Engage in that. Have fun doing that.

This is life! This is thriving! This is creating the body—and life—you really want.

Together we can do it!

Time is Running Out!

Join the the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program today! 

This unique program transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, provides exceptional support, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying—but fun! (Yes, it really is possible!)


Program closes Saturday. It won’t open again until January 2014!


Wellness Tip of the Day


Wellness Tip of the Day

Perfection isn’t the goal. There is no fun in perfect, no growth, no opportunity to overcome and persevere. Instead, be uniquely you!


My blog is moving! To keep following my posts after January 15, follow my new blog, at I look forward to continuing the journey with you!

A New Thought to Create a New You

Fruits and Vegetables

“I don’t like vegetables.”

A client said this to me the other day.

I have found that this is a pretty common sentiment among women who have struggled with their weight. You may have a lifetime of evidence that most vegetables are, “Blagh.”

When you go on a diet or try to eat healthier, you may take vegetables like medicine, forcing yourself to eat them. Meal times become something to endure rather to savor. At the very least, those meals are notsoul-satisfying.

And here you are trying to fulfill your resolution to lose weight in January—what many feel is the peak of the winter-vegetable doldrums.

Is it any wonder that so many resolutions fail?

What if you are dealing with a limiting belief? What if you could shift your perspective about vegetables just enough that you could see a path around this obstacle to create the radiantly healthy body you want?

One way to do this is to think about how you could make eating vegetables fun.

This might look like:

  • Trying new recipes
  • Adding a cup of spinach to your smoothie
  • Experimenting with vegetables you’ve never tried before

What if you could prove to yourself that you actually do enjoy vegetables in some form or fashion? Maybe even love some of them? How might that alter your success at releasing the weight–for good?

How often do we limit ourselves because of an opinion, judgment, thought, idea, or past experience that we just assume is absolutely and completely True?

For instance, how many of you have ever heard, “You have to clean your plate because there are starving children somewhere in the world?

Do you think that’s a limiting belief?

How true is it that your cleaning your plate is going to benefit any of those starving children?

How can that belief actually be harmful to you?

  • Cleaning your plate teaches you to disregard your body’s guidance that it’s had enough.
  • Eating too much food is at the heart of being overweight, which has serious health consequences.
  • People are often concerned about wasting food. Extra food will either go to waste in the garbage or will go to waste in your body. You can either waste it, or you waist it.
  • It contributes to a lack mentality. The feeling that “there isn’t enough so I have to eat more than I need.”

A lot of times, helping people see the flaws in their thinking is enough to help them move beyond it. But changing a long-standing belief system can impact underlying values.

If you’re upset by the idea of not cleaning your plate, what are the values you have that may be being challenged?

  • If it’s wanting to help those in need, what would be a more constructive action than cleaning your plate? Maybe donating to charities that feed the poor?
  • If the value is being sustainable, maybe you’ll want to start a composting system?
  • If it’s really just fear or lack, then maybe you have some work to do about trusting the abundance of the Universe?

Whenever you notice a thought that is holding you back in any way, ask yourself if that thought is still true. Unless it is a Universal Truth—a thought that is true no matter what, no matter who, and no matter when—what is it that you need to do to shift it?

All it takes is challenging those limiting beliefs just enough so that doors open, paths unfold, obstacles disappear, and the solutions become clear.

A new thought truly creates a new you.

Together we can do it!

Time is Running Out!

Join the the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program today! 

This unique program transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, provides exceptional support, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying—but fun! (Yes, it really is possible!)


Program closes Saturday. It won’t open again until January 2014!