Be Happy Now To Get the Body You Want

Winter HappyDo you need a “reason” to be happy?

Maybe you tell yourself you’ll be happy “when” you lose weight? Or maybe it’s “when” you recover from an illness, meet that deadline, or have a certain amount of money?

I’m going to be completely honest and open with you—I’m guilty of this, too.

For the first time in two years, I’ve found myself putting off “being” happy.

As a result, I’ve been stressed.

And I didn’t listen to my body when it was telling me to slow down. Now, I’m recovering from a lingering cold.

This is an awesome reminder for me that your wellness is never “done.” You can’t mark self-care off your “to-do” list, and proclaim yourself “complete.” It’s an ever-evolving process. New things can come along that you have to adjust to and that require you to re-find your balance.

You have to refocus on being happy now.

What’s given me this “future focus” and caused me to put off being happy?

I’m taking my business to the next level by launching my new brand and website today (!), getting ready to launch a new coaching program in January, and am planning my first ever Love Your Way Slim Beach-side Retreat in April. I’m also giving a free tele-class tonight for Impact ADHD.

My topic tonight? “How to Love Your Way Through Holiday Stress.” Believe me, the irony of that topic was not lost on me while I was putting together this presentation! It may not be the holidays that are stressing me out, but stress is stress.

When I got up this morning, this comment was waiting for me about a blog post I wrote this summer, The Best Reason to Be Happy.

“I’m happy I found this article. It is so true. Everyone should read this first thing in the morning, or right before bed, or whenever needed throughout the day.”

So I went back and read that blog.

Thank you All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you), for the gentle reminder to practice what I preach!

How would it be different if you could be happy on your way to losing weight, recovering from that illness, or even meeting that deadline and planning a new website and program launch?

As I was reminded by what I wrote in July:

Every moment that you deprive yourself of feeling good is like putting yourself in jail and refusing to set yourself free, even though you have the key in your pocket.

Wouldn’t it be better to be happy now?


Allowing yourself to “be happy now” relieves stress, provides positive anabolic support to your body down to the cellular level, and is just plain more fun!

If you really need a reason to be happy, what reason can you use?

I’m re-sharing this list of things you can use as an excuse to be happy now because as my fabulous reader reminded me this morning, everyone should read this list daily. Including me! 

Reasons to be happy now:

  • The sun has risen.
  • You are receiving these words.
  • Someone somewhere loves you. (Probably a lot of someones.)
  • You are alive this moment of this day.
  • You have some form of nourishment available to you.
  • You have clothes for your body.
  • You have a body that is working well-enough for you to understand these words.
  • There is an abundance of air to breathe.
  • No matter what your state of wellness, your body is knocking itself out on your behalf.
  • You have at least one thing that you’re really good at and enjoy doing.
  • You have a lifetime of experiences that are unique to you.
  • You see the world as no one else does, and your perspective is valuable.
  • Even if it seems the same, this day is different from all the others that have come before.
  • Streams and rivers are flowing, and ocean tides are rising and falling.
  • Chances are you have an abundance of clean water to drink.
  • The Earth is spinning and producing resources to support life.
  • There is an abundance of beauty in the world if you will just look for it.
  • The sun will set and will rise again tomorrow.

How can you add to this list?

What is in your life right now that you can use as a reason to be happy? What about your body is working for you? Are there people, places, or animals that you appreciate? What do you find beautiful? Where are you abundant?

How happy are you willing to let yourself feel right now?

Notice how the energy you get from being happy helps you take the actions to get the body you want.

Together we can do it!


My blog is moving!  Beginning today, I’m shifting my blog to my new website For the next month, I will post both here and there. To keep following my posts after January 15, you will need to follow my new blog. I look forward to continuing the journey with you!

8 thoughts on “Be Happy Now To Get the Body You Want

  1. Just watch a dog. We’re happy, and it’s not because of how we look or what kind of toys or stuff we have. We are happy because we are. Humans could learn alot from us!

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