How to Start Reaping the Rewards of Regular Exercise

What does optimal wellness mean to you?

To me, optimal wellness is:

  • Feeling good—mind, body, and spirit.
  • Being at the right body weight for me.
  • Moving with ease, and being fit, strong, and slim.
  • Allowing every cell in my body to thrive, and having a super-charged immune system and metabolism.
  • Having every system in my body functioning properly.
  • Nurturing my body’s own wellness abilities.
  • Treating myself—and others—with love and respect.
  • Experiencing habitual feelings of appreciation, eagerness, and joy.
  • A lasting state of well-being, and a confidence in Who I am and what I am capable of.

One of the best ways to tap into the positive anabolic energy that helps you achieve optimal wellness is exercise.

Consistently working out with intensity helps you tap into anabolic endorphins that create an amazing feeling of being in love with life that continues way longer than your workout.

Not only does exercise boost energy and positive feeling all day, but study after study shows that it plays an important role in promoting sound physical and mental health, and emotional well-being.

Many people find it hard to get started, or to stick with exercise for more than a few days or weeks.

Here are some tips for making working out a part of your regular routine so that you can begin reaping the positive anabolic rewards:

  • Focus on Why you want optimal wellness. Having a powerful reason Why you want to achieve a goal will make a huge difference in doing the necessary actions—even when you don’t feel like it.
  • Schedule it. Many people try to fit exercise into their busy schedules—only to have it be the thing that never gets done. Instead figure out when you are going to work out, and create your schedule around that.
  • Do it first. Often my clients generate a lot of negative catabolic energy worrying about when they are going to get their workout in later in the day. Doing it first thing in the morning enables you to bask in the positive energy all day long.
  • Start small. Committing to 10 minutes a day and then counting everything that gets you there—taking the stairs, parking further away, walking the dog, etc.—helps you build positive momentum that leads to your doing more.
  • Don’t call it exercise. Many people have a negative relationship with the word exercise or workout. Refer to moving your body in a way that doesn’t make you have an automatic negative reaction.
  • Make it fun. Pick something you actually enjoy doing. And then focus on how much fun it is.

What can you do today that makes moving your body a regular part of your life so you can reap the positive rewards?

Together we can do it!

I am excited to be working with a new client! I only have 2 coaching spaces left open to help you love your way slim. If you are serious about transforming your mind and body, email me at by November 11 to schedule your complimentary breakthrough session. These powerful sessions are available on a limited basis. Don’t wait till Jan 2 to take inspired action. Start creating the body—and life—you want today

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