Love or Hate Your Workout? That’s Impacting Your Results

Why is it that one person can follow a diet and exercise program and have great results and another use the exact same regimen and not see the same progress?

It has less to do with your metabolism, genes, luck, etc., etc., than you might think.

An often overlooked but critical factor are your thoughts and feelings while you are doing the diet or exercise program.

This is truly one of the missing links that causes so many diet and exercise programs to fail.

Think of it this way. How much are you going to give your exercise program your all if the entire time you’re thinking thoughts like:

“I hate exercise.”

“How soon till this is over?”

“I hate to sweat.”

“Just get me through this torture.”

With thoughts like that—and the resulting sluggish results—how likely are you going to sustain your exercise program?

Chances are not good!

Instead, what if during your workout you are choosing to think about:

  • All the reasons Why you want optimal wellness.
  • Affirmations reinforcing that doing the work will get you the results you want.
  • How good you feel after the workout.

And what if you actually chose a physical activity that you enjoy to begin with?

Wouldn’t you start to look forward to your workouts?

Wouldn’t you start to pay attention to and celebrate signs of progress—even if they were slow and steady?

Every time you had a jolt of unexpected energy during your day, wouldn’t you feel good about having gotten your workout in?

And wouldn’t all those positive thoughts and feelings make you more likely to want to get up and do your workout again tomorrow?

But, you might say, “I hate exercise. I have always hated exercise. That’s just how I feel.”

Believe it or not, you can change long-held thoughts and beliefsif you want to.

You can learn to love exercise by practicing new thoughts and beliefs.

Now I’m not saying you are going to make this shift overnight, but if your wellness is enough of a priority that you will practice consistently, you will be amazed by the results.

Here are some 3 simple ways to practice changing your thoughts.

Figure out a compelling reason Why you want wellness. Certainly use wanting to look good in a swimsuit or for your reunion, but look deeper. What is your true, heart-felt reason that is so strong it inspires you to get up from that nice warm bed to get in your workout?

Write out, read, and feel positive affirmations. Create affirmations that shift your thinking just a little bit so they are believable. Practice reading them—and feeling them—each day when you are not working out and bring them to mind while you are exercising. Soon you won’t have to remind yourself to think those thoughts. They will come naturally.

Focus on your progress. Mentally look for and celebrate each tiny sign of success. Note how good you feel after your workout, how much easier your pants button, your increased stamina after walking up a flight of stairs. Each celebration builds your positive momentum, making it easier to sustain action.

These suggestions may be simple, but they are powerful. Practice them consistently and before you know it, you will be one of those people who loves moving their bodies!

Together we can do it!

2 thoughts on “Love or Hate Your Workout? That’s Impacting Your Results

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