Accept Yourself

While it may seem counter-intuitive, accepting where and the way you are is one of the fastest ways to accomplish your goals.

It can actually feel like letting go of the struggle and the discomfort of where you are will leave you content with a situation or condition you really want to change. If you accept it and make peace with it, how will you ever find the motivation to move forward?

For me, letting go of the fight, self-criticism, and the desire to have the end result right now releases the pent-up catabolic energy that is truly at the root of my current condition. When I relinquish control of the uncontrollable, I allow the Master Mind of the Universe (Source, God, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) to step in and orchestrate the situation, scenarios, and support that I need to get where I want to go.

This is especially true with losing weight. There can be a lot of fear around accepting your current body weight, shape, and condition. Calories count, right, so won’t you just go and eat everything in sight if you accept where you are? Without that desperate desire to change, where’s the motivation to get up in the morning to work out? Doesn’t losing weight require constant control and discipline, and you’re a slacker if you slip up?

This is the dichotomy that we all face. Is the carrot or stick more effective? Does positive reinforcement or punishment create lasting change? Is fear or appreciation more powerful?

Easing up on ourselves can seem weak, but truly putting down the verbal lash, focusing on the reasons we want to make a change, and celebrating each tiny sign of success are indications of strength and mental clarity.

The more we surrender and focus on our success, the more we build positive momentum that will be like a tidal wave moving us towards our goal. With that momentum, the actions we take become easier and have more impact, the people and information we need appear right when needed, and we feel excited and inspired rather than frustrated and deprived.

The real question is, what can you do today to accept yourself the way you are without changing your goals?

Together we can do it!

10 thoughts on “Accept Yourself

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