Love Your Workout?

I just had the most fun workout!

Does having the words “fun” and “workout” in the same sentence seem like a contradiction to you?

That’s one of those limiting beliefs that is resulting in your holding onto the weight!

Who said working out had to be a drag? Or worse?

And don’t think that just because my workout was fun that it means it was easy.

An hour later and my face is still beat red and my metabolism revved. I definitely pushed it. And I loved every minute of it!

While I will share what I was doing, the most important thing is to do is find the workout that you enjoy. That you find fun. That you kind-of-wish you were doing at other points in the day.

The key to moving your body consistently is to enjoy it.

And consistency is key to long-term success.

A stumbling block for many women I work with is that they think they have to take up a form of exercise that they hate.

Depending on what your goals are, there are many ways to achieve the results you’re looking for.

For instance, I know women who are in great shape who have achieved their goals by doing everything from walking, to yoga, to tai chi. Others have done Pilates, dancing, boxing, jump-roping, and even hula-hooping. And there are many more options.

Experiment until you find the workout you enjoy.

So what was the workout I did this morning?

If you follow my blog regularly, you know I love dance walking. But heading out in the dark and cold—not so much fun.

A couple of months ago a fabulous reader and fellow blogger introduced me to dance cardio on the treadmill. Now I had spontaneously burst into dance-walking on the treadmill before—and promptly fallen off. But she pointed me to some demonstration videos and I was up and, well, dancing!

And it is intense! And fun! And I’m getting better at it as I do it!

Picking something that you actually enjoy doing significantly increases your chances of releasing the weight–once and for all.

Think of it this way. If you are starting a workout program that you hate, are dreading and despise every moment while you are doing it, how long are you likely to sustain that program?

This is another example of how harnessing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and aligning them with your actions is like adding a rocket booster to your ability to achieve your goals.

Find the way that moving your body feels good

Together we can do it!

Here are my inspirations.

Ben Aaron taking dance walking public

Dance Aerobics on Treadmill at Palheiro Spa, Madeira

Tracy Anderson Treadmill Routine with Molly Sims Part B 

I’m excited to announce that I have 3 coaching spaces open to help you love your way slim. If you are serious about transforming your mind and body, secure your spot now by emailing me at by November 11 to schedule your complimentary breakthrough session. These powerful sessions are available on a limited basis. Don’t wait till Jan 2 to take inspired action. Start creating the body—and life—you want today.

11 thoughts on “Love Your Workout?

  1. Pingback: How to Start Reaping the Rewards of Regular Exercise | Goss Coaching

  2. Pingback: Are You Being Selfish if You Take Care of You? | Goss Coaching

  3. I really loved these videos, too–particularly the first one! Thanks for posting and catching me up on a form of exercise I didn’t even know existed!

Love your comments!